The Life of a Squid

Surviving the world

Body functions of a Squid
Feeding/Eating habits
Interesting facts
The Reproduction Cycle
Surviving the world


Habitat and Surival Skills

All kinds of squids are free to swim around in the sea at different depths. Giant squids lurk in depths of 660 to 2300 feet under the sea. The giant squids are a delicious meal to sperm whales, while the tinier ones are snacks to albatrosses, fish, and even humans. Squids usually swim at around 23mph, using the paired fins at the rear of the mantle, together with gentle pulses of water pushed out of the mantle cavity through the funnel, which doesn’t make them the fastest swimmers in the sea. Therefore, in order to survive and protect itself, squid change in colour to blend in with their surroundings, and under certain circumstances, squids squirt out black, mucous ink from a large, elongated sac to confuse predators.

Other info
The skin of the squid is covered in chromatophores, which enable the squid to change color to suit its surroundings. The underside of the squid is also found to be lighter than the topside, in order to provide camouflage from both prey and predator.


EEWWW.... Get a room!!!
The Giant Squid not only changes in color to blend with it's surroundings it also uses it for mating. This mating skill is used when the giant squid is hiding from predators, because at that time it also changes color. Since one of it's strategy for protection is changing  colors (to camouflage), it comunicates with a mate and starts the mating process. 
